
Beauty Routine

Thank goodness the sun is up again! He finally gave in to our wishes and I'm one of those who are truly grateful waking up to a brand new day. As we all pray for our weather to become more stable, I certainly hope too that we learn from the traces that Southwest monsoon left us.

Anyways, just recently, my little girl is starting to play with our little mirror at home. I actually like having those smaller ones which I can use whenever it's time for my beauty regimens. Speaking of which, I don't really have anything specific since then. A lot of my friends experienced breakouts during teenage years but I guess I'm lucky enough to be an exemption. My horror eventually started during the first quarter of my pregnancy. Acne breakouts, redness, dry or flaky skin - name it, I got it! It's normal for me to wake up with a swollen pimple everyday and I can only stare at myself because I'm not allowed to apply anything on my face as it may risk my baby's health. 

Here's a proof with my skin issues:

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(photos from L-R: No make up, obviously "bagong gising" look and a photo during my 3rd trimester, pimples and scars very visible. They look like totally two different people, LOL!)

Those breakouts finally subdued when I gave birth but left some dark spots and marks. I finally accepted my skin's sensitivity when I aged and my goal is to at least prevent having breakouts. I'm still in search for the best treatment products and with my current skin's condition, I think these ones below went well to my skin type. They say that the rule is to cleanse, tone and moisturize - the simplest yet the most effective routine because it requires one to be holistic to achieve better results.

I chose Liquid Neutrogena facial cleanser for my everyday use. Indeed, it is mild and fragrance-free. As much as possible, I try to avoid using scrubs as my delicate skin turns really red after washing. This is hypo-allergenic and goes well for all skin types. I like how it makes my face squeaky clean with a bit of shiny ones on thin surfaces. 


For my moisturizer, Celeteque has been my trusted brand. I always want it water-based and oil free. Those heavy, sticky ones makes me feel that dirt and dust easily stick on my face. The aloe vera extract acts as the cooling agent that soothes my dry skin.  If you noticed, I skip toners. I believe that adds more chemical reaction whenever I apply moisturizers. So, that's only wash and moisturize for me before sleeping.


I chose Garnier Skin Naturals for my non-greasy whitening cream. It has pure lemon essence and enriched with salicylic acids with anti-bacterial properties to help cure acne marks and dark spots. It's been my habit to apply this after taking a shower. I tried a few creams with the same ingredients but only turned my skin irritated that's why you really have to be careful and observant on how your face reacts to a product.


They don't really need to be too expensive to say it's effective. If you found something that works well with your skin then by all means, stick to that product. But of course, why deprive yourself if you've got a lot to spend, right? :)


For my pimple problems, I used Sansacne 4%. Whenever I see red marks about to form a pimple the following day, I already prevent it by putting an ample amount on the affected area before bedtime. It really dries your pimple and sometimes even the skin surrounding it, so it's best that you moisturize  after the treatment. 


These products don't guarantee permanent solution to my skin problems but like I said, the more holistic you are with regimens, the more possibilities to acquire desired results. I will try to post another photo after a month of continued beauty routine and treatments and see the results. Again, these are just my home regimens but it's always recommended to visit a dermatologist who can help us more, especially if the skin condition cannot be easily treated with over the counter products.

I'm sure you have beauty regimens too. Would you like to share some ideas?

Much Love,


  1. great sharing on the products you use for your face. :) weird that they are of different brands. I always hesitated to used different brands on my skin so i always stick to one (from cleanser to moisturizer) great it works on you :)

    Rovie, The Bargain Doll

    1. Yeah I'm kind of experimental that's why I came up with diff brands. I am particular with the chemical ingredients and how my skin reacts to it.

  2. I agree with you on this statement "it don't really need to be expensive to say its effective" you can find some products that really works great for your skin and it to be cheap. I'm using and so far the best I have use..Avon's anew genetics.. they works wonder.

    1. Yes I agree about Avon Anew, I first heard it from my Mom and did well on her.

  3. i tried the celeteque facial moisturizer.. it did okay naman for my face :D

  4. Neutrogena is really a good soap. When I had acne problems, I used Neutrogena had clearer skin after.

  5. I just use Myra E for my moisturizer. I'll try to use Celeteque and Neutrogena. :)


  6. You are right about products need not be expensive to work. SInce I experience dryness in some parts of my face (cheek & jaw line area) I shifted to Physiogel Facial Cleanser and Physiogel AI Cream. It works well for me. Now, my skin feels soft and smooth. I love it!


  7. I feel that using matching brands helps in preventing breakouts because they don't conflict with each other... I used to mix and match a lot and it caused rashes.


I would love to hear from you! xx