
Thought Bubbles


..I had thought of giving the yummiest cookies for my closest friends, those with cute shapes and colorful sprinkles.
I'd like to keep it neat in an elegant jar, with a perfect Christmas ribbon on it.

.. I had thought of having a healthy breakfast buffet. Fresh juices, wheat breads and choices of fresh fruits.
I spoke with a friend earlier and little did I know that she's a vegan. I think this is the sign.
I will pledge to be a vegetarian come 2012, with high hopes.

.. I had thought of a pink and purple lace dress for my little girl, Daphne.
I'd like to pair her dress with a cute umbrella.
I hope to see a sunshiny weekend where I can organize an outdoor photo shoot for her.
I owe her so much activities.
With this passion and enthusiasm, how can I let this year pass without completing this promise to her. 

.. I had thought of a pink stone on my ring.
I've always wanted to have one but didn't have any.
The more vintage it looks, the better...and the bigger the stone, the merrier.
It will not be a part of my everyday outfit but rather an addition to my collectibles.

.. I had thought of writing a love letter for hubby.
I usually write little notes for him back in college.
Or maybe a short poem or a story?
Really I just want to write about anything.. especially one that I can put on the welcome page of my new diary.

If I get paid for writing, I'd definitely choose it as my career. 

.. I had thought of going to a place with grand Christmas lights and lantern displays.
I want to feel this season.
I love how these little lights can be so romantic at night. 

.. I had thought of getting myself a little camera.
 I find it difficult to go to places with a DSLR and a big camera bag strapped on my shoulders.
I can never settle for a camera phone whenever I wanted to document something.
I particularly chose Lumix.
 I heart it.

.. I had thought of finding that perfect dress for a meaningful event of my life.
It doesn't need to be a gown.
I am no figure conscious recently but I still want something that will look good on me.
I want to be pretty and dainty on that day.

.. I had thought of smelling and touching a fresh bouquet of pink roses.
I will surely be teary but definitely happy.
I need to be calm, just like the subtle color of these flowers.

photo credits: weheartit

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