
Hello, December!

I started my first day of December with my two little traditions. 

Being one of those drinks which are offered for a limited time, I took the liberty to order my Peppermint Mocha frappé from Starbucks. I sometimes think that I have this weirdest tastebud because not all would like to have this minty taste in their coffee. Someone even told me before that it's like eating chocolate and toothpaste at the same time. Well, I've no problem with that. All I know is that peppermint mocha is on my checklist every Christmas season. If you try to Google a few medicinal facts about peppermint, you might be amazed that it has been found to enhance memory and a good help for insomnia. Interesting!

The peppermint sprinkles somehow look like snow flakes to me... and you don't have to agree. He he!

My second tradition is to start catching up with my best friends. 

Few more days from now, I'm pretty sure most of your weekends will be fully booked with much awaited class reunions, office Christmas parties and "barkada" gatherings. So before you get tagged with numerous invites in social networking sites, spend some time with a few chosen ones and make up with meaningful conversations.

I met up with my former colleagues, Lois and Rose. Admittedly, I try not to get too comfortable with girls at work but they definitely made a difference. With them, everything is spontaneous!

We barely get a chance to meet up since we started venturing into different fields but it doesn't make us any less being a FRIEND in the truest sense of the word. 

How did you start your December?

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