
Nagsasa Cove, Zambales


I welcomed the month of May, summer of 2010 with an unexpected, fun-filled, effortless and one of a kind beach trip!It all started one evening when I was googling for beach photos. I got carried away that night when Jessica Soho featured a few unexplored beaches up North, the one in Santa Ana Ilocos captured my attention. Though the place is not covered in white sand, it can be totally relaxing as it is miles away from the city with perfect shapes of stones. I have been a fan of Jessica's show (and it was one of OUR routines every Saturday before). One text message came from of course you know who, asking if I watched the said show, so I simply replied "Oo, pero parang hirap puntahan. Mas madali pa rin ata sa Zambales."

I was clueless of what's running in his mind that night (which he admitted eventually that he really intend to invite me), but on the spot, he asked me if I wanted to go to Nagsasa.. Ako naman, nagulat! (Just a bit of a backtrack, we haven't spoken in a month after that One More Chance revelation night - which I don't question because he has all the right not to talk to me.) So there. I've been really wishing to go to Nagsasa even before we broke up. We even planned it but didn't push through. And me, being a beach bum even if obviously I gained weight recently, never had any second thoughts of saying YES! Ba't ganun?! Why did I decide so quickly not even anticipating where this may lead to? Such a risk! I am still thinking about it until now. But maybe, just MAYBE, what he said to me before gained an ample amount of my trust.

So there, two weeks of planning ahead. To be honest, this time, I have not contributed anything during the planning stage. It's like giving him the whole arena and letting him perform on his own. Which I think is good! This thought helped me: "If you think I deserve you, then by all means, prove it, now!" I even thought of ditching him the last-minute, but why scared? This person's not a stranger to me, not to mention that Mom would always ask for him whenever I call her.. Mama naman eh!


So from the tent, to the cooking set, to my drinking water, to my earth pad, to our food, to our Manong Banker (boatman), to my Off lotion, to my toilet paper.. Gosh, he prepared it all! When we were in San Antonio (bus drop off), he looked so prepared and organized to know what to buy in the wet market for our lunch, dinner and breakfast the next day. In all fairness, it was really something and me being a silent observant got really impressed!


The one hour fifteen minutes of boat ride going to Nagsasa was really wavy. I was never scared for myself or for our stuff if, God-forbid, our boat drowns. I'm more scared of how I will save this guy behind me who doesn't know how to swim at all! But I'm glad we arrived safely, though I must say, I got really toasted under the sun. My skin's peeling now actually.


The place is indeed magnificent. Until now, I can see myself silent, looking far away, up in the mountains then back to the beach, amazed with God's creation.


It's also a haven for back packers, for those who enjoy outdoor lifestyles. I would say that sleeping inside a tent will never be comfortable for me, in any way, but it's worth another try. Maybe it's different this time, yeah? And yes it was. Why? Because someone stayed up all night just to look after me, ensuring that I'm safe and sound, no ants which I've been complaining before on our last hike, and that's there's enough air inside the tent (damn, there's no wind that night). Well, it looks like I'm getting what I want! I even woke up at around 3am and he's still awake, he even handed me my bottled water. Aba, impressive ha!

Nagsasa Nagsasa

This beach trip was really worth it. Like I said, there's no amount of regret that I agreed to join him. And it seems that through these baby steps, who knows, things can be fixed and may return to its normal state. Let's just see if magic and miracles still exist. :-)


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